Ganesh Colony School-
- The total area of the land is 16,522.60 sq ft and the total built up area is 41,763.97 sq ft.
- 3 schools located under Hari Gate are being shifted by constructing new school premises.
- School campus of 900 student capacity has been built in the school premises for school displacement.
- The current schools have a student capacity of 622 students.
- There is a provision of principal room, library, multi-purpose hall, first aid room, laboratory and grounds in the school.
- These schools will be equipped with new furniture and smart class facilities and solar panels will be installed on them for solar energy.
- The newly constructed school campus will provide an educational institution with modern facilities for the students of the surrounding area, due to the provision of smart class in the school, students will get an opportunity to get education through new interesting method of teaching.
- Ganesh School-18 Classrooms